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FLOOD HEIGHT - Indie/Jazz Crossover Ensemble

Updated: Nov 1, 2019

Those that have been following my musical progress may have noticed that I've recently presented a new collaborative project. Flood Height is a new indie/jazz hybrid band formed of four musicians. Channelling traditional jazz instrumentation alongside more modern, innovative effects and samples, the aim was to develop our own stamp of crossover. Aside from the music which I formed alongside Samuel Tame ( Saxophone and sampling guru) I also created the graphic artwork and footage for our first release "Polaroid in Verse".

Here is the result of my footage exploration. Its the first real experience I have of creating moving visual to music and so feels suitably amateurish, the process though, was positively stimulating and challenging in equal measure.

As well as the footage we tried out a lot of variations and ideas on our EP artwork, aiming to form a sense of consistency between the two.

Below are some ideas that didn't go beyond the brainstorm phase:

Symbolising the Flood Height idea through a single object was something we wanted to combine alongside our artwork and so I came up with a few alternative variations on a "water level/flood height" visualisation.

Below is the first immediate idea I had:

In the end we decided to simplify it down slightly using the contrast of white and black more than the more busy, intricate pattern work, I think it sits stronger, particularly when displayed on top of a more busy/or textured image:

Final Artwork - FLOOD HEIGHT EP

Flood Height is due to to release a full EP of songs on 25 October 2019 with a live release gig at Tazma Studios, Exeter, Doors will open at 7:30.

For more information on Flood Height and to keep updated with developments and future releases, you can keep track of them via @floodheight all the main platforms:

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